
Web Planning, Design, and Promotions

Directions includes reports that analyze web sales within the source of the web customer. This means that you will know how people found your web site - for example, from an email, web search (Google, Yahoo, etc), marketing partner click-through, or paid search phrase. Within these sources, you will also drill down to see what pages they viewed and products they purchased. And of course, if you have purchases, you have cost, so you will know exact profitability of every web marketing dollar.

The same marketing promotion engine used in outbound customer selection and call center promotion selection uses past browsing or purchase history to suggest promotions to web customers.

Call Center Promotions

Any promotion begins with creating an offer that people will respond to. This starts with identifying a group of prospects that have common attributes. For example, you can ask the selection engine ''Who has purchased items A, B, or C and not purchased items D, E, or F.'' The selection engine will return the customers meeting this criteria. Once you have identified a group of customers with common behaviors, you can create a promotion they may like. For example, you may offer them items D, E, or F at a discount price for their first purchase. Now you activate this promotion by assigning it a priority with your other active promotions.

When a web buyer ends his order, the web will present the next promotion that he qualifies for. Items purchased from promotions are tracked appropriately so you will know which promotions are working. DIRECTIONS also captures each customers' life-time value.

Promotion Analysis

As customers respond to promotions, Directions tracks items purchased on promotion and customers responding to the promotion. Promotional analysis includes customer behavior based promotions and item driven suggested selling.

Catalog Analysis

As customers respond to catalogs Directions tracks items purchased and customers responding. You will have catalog response analysis to review item placement and profitability.

Search Engine Optimization

There are few tricks to getting to the top of searches. It really comes down to content relevancy and, more importantly, search phrase marketing. Content relevancy will get you noticed. If people need what you are marketing, they will click through to you. And if your paid search phrase marketing copy is relevant, they will also click through to you. Either way, Directions tracks where they came from and what pages they viewed when they got to your site.

Campaign Execution

All these tools come together to help you execute and manage marketing campaigns. The same promotions can be used on the web and in the call center.

  • Start with the customer selection engine. Find groups of customers with similar buying behaviors.
  • Create a promotion that they will respond to.
  • Repeat the above two steps until you have many active promotions.
  • Now monitor promotions with Promotion analysis.
    • : :  Remove promotions that are not working
    • : :  Add more promotions


Item Analysis
Database with reporting driven through Crystal Reports
Single database has history at the detail and summary level
Customer selection engine for small seqment targeted marketing
Selection Criteria create a promotion
Promotional analysis--do more of what works
Search engine tracking--how did they find us?
Catalog Page and Square Inch Analysis
Catalog Source Code Analysis
Web log analysis - view your customers path on your web site
Web internal search analysis - view what customers are searching for on your site and what you returned to them
Dictionary with alternate spellings - help customers find what you want them to find
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